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Enemy Intelligence Center

The Enemy Intelligence Center is the key to gathering information about other players on Terra-Xi. The technicians at this center takes care of training new spydrones, and will also take care of programming them to complete the espionage operations they are given.

At the top of the page you will see a list of all the different spydrones that you have researched so far. To initiate an espionage operation, select the spydrone you wish to use, and enter the target you wish to spy on. Then click on "Initiate Operation". Your technicians will then train and program the spydrone, and send it to the targeted ward.

While the operations are in effect (ie., the spydrone is either travelling to the targeted ward, or it's trying to get the information it's programmed to find), you have the ability to cancel the operation. Below the list of all the spydrones, you will find a list of all the currently ongoing operations, and you can cancel every one of them. Bear in mind, though, that you will not get any refunds at all � this is only for your own safety.

If the spydrone succeeds, it will send back the relevant information and immediately self-explode. This is to prevent being caught by anybody � whether that would be by the targeted ward, or somebody else.

When the operation is completed, and it succeeds, you will get a spy report which will be listed at the bottom of the Enemy Intelligence Center screen. This list can become quite lengthy after a while, so it is highly recommended to submit these to your clan's shared intelligence database and then delete the report (or simply just delete it). To prevent players from piling up extremely old spy reports, all reports will be aging, and after a while they will automatically expire and be removed from this list.

To submit a report to your clan's shared intelligence database, just select the reports you wish to submit, and then either click on "Share" or "Share and Remove". The latter will take care of removing the report from the Enemy Intelligence Center screen (it will still be found in the clan's shared intelligence database).

Likewise, to remove a report, just select it and click on "Remove". You can select multiple reports to lessen the amount of clicks.
